I thought this would be fun to do...I asked you some questions, here were your answers!!
1. Who is your best friend? Casey Fetter
2. What is your favorite thing to eat/drink? Hot Cheetos & Dr. Pepper
3. What do you like most about the 6th grade? Lunch
4. What do you like least about the 6th grade? Everything
5. Favorite book so far? Inheritence
6. Shoe size is? 7
7. What do you want to be when you grow up? Pilot
8. You are on the computer a lot, what is it that you like to do the most on the computer? Play 1st person shooters
9. In one sentence what do you want everyone to know about your Dad? He is awesome!
10. In one sentence what do you want everyone to know about your Mom? If she wasn't here we would all be starving or dead!
So here you are at Sky Zone looking all crazy! I snapped this picture while you were in mid air!
And here you are 3 months later...
Updated February 2012, 7 months later....
Matthew you are now half way through the 6th grade, I am so proud of you! You started the 6th grade in the GATE program (Gifted and Talented Education). I didn't know how you would do because while you are a very bright and gifted child you are also know to be lazy, especially at things that you don't want to do and school would definitely fall into that category. But you have really challenged yourself and given school great effort. You still hate school most of the time but you are not letting that get in the way of bringing home the A's and B's!! In December you got braces...it was rough the first couple of days, they hurt bad. I felt so bad for you, they really tore up your gums and made you a miserable mess for a good three days. But you got use to them and you are doing so much better. They still give you fits when they change the wire every couple months but you are such a trooper.
Matthew you were voted FUNNIEST KID IN THE 6TH GRADE!
I think you are the funniest but how cool that your classmates do too! I love that you can make me laugh, thank you for finding the humor in life, you are the sunshine on my cloudy days!!