Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monterey Bay, CA

Both boys have Birthdays in July!  Mason, July 12th and Matthew July 21st.  This year, after much discussion and way too much procrastination we decided to take the boys to Monterey for their birthdays.  We were going to go to the beach and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, a place I have wanted to take the kids for a long time now.  I knew it was going to be cooler on the coast but I don't think I prepared myself for just how much cooler.  The closer we got to the ocean the thicker and more grey the clouds became till they finally formed a heavy blanket of grey that kept every bit of warm sun light out and forced us to dig through our bags to find warmer clothes.  I guess it has been a long time since I have been to the beach up here in the North!  But you know kids...they are immune to any sort of discomfort, cold temperatures included, when they are presented with something new and fun! 

We started out trip with a visit to the beach.  Makayla's and Mason's first time.  Matthew had been to the beach before but it was a long time ago. 

You can see the grey blanket of clouds in the background.  They had just burned off but we were still fighting the cool breeze!

This is the kids burring my feet and legs ;0)

On the second day of our trip we went to the Monterey Bay aquarium.  They have expanded and done so much since the last time I was there.  It was so fun to see all the fish and animals up close.

Makayla found a little friend.  A Sea Otter puppet!

We took a bread from the aquarium and had lunch in the restaurant that was there.  It was nice, the window looked out over the bay.

 I think the jelly fish and the touch tanks were the highlight of the aquarium.  The kids loved to touch all the sea life!

After a morning at the aquarium we went to Carmel beach!  The boys had an amazing time running in the sand and watching the Seagulls.  The birds were not shy, they would steal your lunch if you weren't watching.    Which is exactly what they did to the people sitting to the left of us!

Mason found a little chipmunk, we fed him some pistachio nuts!  It was so cute watching him shove them in his little cheeks till they were bulging so big!

Makayla and Daddy at Carmel Beach!

We had such an amazing time, just getting away as a family.  The older I get the more I cherish vacations and  down time.  We splurged and ate out, we relaxed and just enjoyed eachother.  The kids would have had just as much fun JUST going to the beach.  We will be back.  Way too much fun not to!  ~fara

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