Sunday, January 23, 2011

Halloween 2010

I don't know why but I don't like Halloween.  I like fairytales and happy endings.  Halloween is just way too dark and spooky for me, but every year I try really hard to at least put up with it for the kids.  This year, not unlike most every other year we waited way to long to get costumes.  When we finally went looking everything was pretty much picked through.  After several stops and a melting down 1 year old we finally found the boys costumes at Target.  Mason found a Vampire costume that he liked and Matthew found this really cool Cowboy costume.  They were cute...if you like Halloween.  No, they were cute.  Makayla got to wear Kallie's costume from last year...a monkey!  It was super cute with a big bow on it's ear.  I am so thankful for any hand-me down I can get my hands on.  I had big plans to get some really awesome pictures of the kids all dressed up...that didn't happen.  I managed to get one!  I guess one is better than none!  So here they are, all dressed up...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh Blog, please forgive my absence!

It is now January 2011 and the last post I made was of Makayla's Birthday in October...we have had Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years since then.  ***sigh***

So today starts my "catching up"!  I will start with Halloween and work my way to present.  But please blog be a little gracious and patient with me.  While I would love to give you all my attention I have a little something on the side I am also working on.  Well, maybe not so little.  You see, I have decided to dive into Fara Smith Photography full time.  I have finally accepted that you can't fail at something if you don't first try to succeed.  So as of 2011 I am giving up Notary (which by the way has been really good to us, allowing me to stay home with my children while bringing in a little extra money) and putting all my energy and efforts into making Fara Smith Photography a HUGE SUCCESS!  It is at times a scary reality, knowing that this is sink or swim, do or die, make it or break it, you know all those sayings.  But deep down inside I am convinced that anything I set my mind to I can do!  Besides what is the worst thing that could happen?  I could fail, but isn't not trying at all failing too?  So here we go, I can't wait for the ride!  I am hangin' on tight! I just know that God has big plans for me and my family!

So, I promise to be back to do some catching up but remember, if it is getting late and there is no sign of me, know that I am not goofy off, I am on a journey to SUCCEED!
